Breast implants and cancer

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Marcelo Zamorano D.
Luis Lobos B.
Manuel Quiroz F.
Francisco Jofré


The association between breast implants and cancer has been a controversial issue, due to the lack of evidence concerning the safety of these in the long term. The increase of the number of patients who have undergone augmentation mammoplasty and the detection of carcinogenic elements related to the mammary implants lit interest of the scientific community, on its possible association with the cancer. We consider to be very important, a review concerning the actual literature between breast implants and cancer. Some of the problems that have been raised about the use of breast implants are the modifications that are established for the execution of a physical exam, and also the difficulty to analyze a mammography, what makes us think of a delay in the detection of malignant pathology, and therefore a worse forecast and survival. Despite the stated above, several studies have demonstrated that there is no casual association between breast implants and cancer, and the suspicion by physical exam has been favored in the detection of suspicious masses; the stage and the size of the tumor have not presented major differences, in some cases tending to reduce its size. The mammography presents a reduction in its sensibility but it is possible to supplement by introducing combined projections and other image techniques in case of suspicion. The frequency and mortality do not face significant changes compared to the general population. Concerning the relationship between breast implants and extra mammary cancer, taking in consideration that the breast implant is a strange object susceptible to degeneration, capable of producing an immune response and migration of the content, a possible carcinogenic effect in neoplasms at distance is raised. Other studies can be witnessed describing a relation with some types of cancer, although by the existence of bias, these are not conclusive from a statistical point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to perform larger studies that detail in a more complete way the variables previous to the use of mammary implants, and with a better study methodology.

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How to Cite
Zamorano D., M., Lobos B., L., Quiroz F., M., & Jofré, F. (2018). Breast implants and cancer. Cuadernos De Cirugía, 26(1), 62–70.
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