Kant's Moral Philosophy and the Theory of Recognition in German Idealism

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Cristóbal Balbontín-Gallo


The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the question "What is morality?" in light of the importance of Kant's practical philosophy in the genesis of the theory of recognition in German idealism. With this pourpose, in a first moment (a) we will present a synthesis of Kantian moral philosophy. In a second moment (b) we will give a brief account of Fichte's critique of Kant based on the theory of recognition. In a third moment, (c) we will seek to give an account of the innovation that Schelling introduces to recognition, to then (d) sketch how this reproach finds continuity with Hegelian moral philosophy and in the conclusion, (e) make a synthesis of the debate as the response that from Kant's perspective could be attempted.

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How to Cite
Balbontín-Gallo, C. (2024). Kant’s Moral Philosophy and the Theory of Recognition in German Idealism. Revista Stultifera, 7(2), 17–38. https://doi.org/10.4206/rev.stultifera.2024.v7n2-02
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Author Biography

Cristóbal Balbontín-Gallo, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

Cristóbal Balbontín-Gallo es Doctor en Philosophie por la Université Paris Nanterre-Universität Johann Wolfgang Goethe y Master en Philosophie, Université Paris Nanterre, Francia. Trabaja como Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Austral de Chile.


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Schelling, F. (1957). System des transzendentalen Idealismus. Felix Meiner Verlag.

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