The struggle and peace in the debates on recognition

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Mario Samaniego Sastre, Mg.


The work presented investigates the reception by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, in particular from what is stated in his book Los caminos del Reconocimiento, of the normative social theory that the representative of the Frankfurt School, Axel Honneth presents in his text La lucha por el reconocimiento. Por una gramática moral de los conflictos sociales. In a context where struggles for recognition are a constitutive part of modern social relations, Paul Ricoeur, without ignoring the presence of conflict and the need for struggle, is going to introduce
into the debate on recognition, what he called "states of peace", which would be understood as effective experiences of recognition that do not arise from the struggle. This will allow human experiences such as gratitude, hope, and hospitality to enter in a scene and a debate marked largely by belligerent rhetoric and practices. Exploring the critical and emancipatory potential linked to these peaceful experiences of recognition is the ultimate goal of this reflection.

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How to Cite
Samaniego Sastre, M. (2021). The struggle and peace in the debates on recognition. Revista Stultifera, 4(1), 65–79.
Artículos del Dossier
Author Biography

Mario Samaniego Sastre, Mg., Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.

Licenciado en Filosofía. Magíster en Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas. Estudios de Doctorado en Ética y Filosofía Política. Docente investigador del Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.