The religation of the modern and postmodern subject: towards the decolonial subject

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Milagros Elena Rodríguez, PostDoc


The objective of this investigation in the transmodern project and from the complex perspective, was to analyze the religation of the modern and postmodern subject to go towards the decolonial subject; it is framed in the line of research entitled: transepistemologies of knowledge and trans-complex transmethodologies. It concludes in the urgency of the subject: a reliever of his own becoming, an eco-friendly lover of the earth and his safeguard, liberator of the accommodating false realities; the decolonization of the subject's doing: his re-emergence and the subject attentive to false realities disguised as decolonials. There are no monitoring spaces, nor linearity in the construction, a defined space of the modern or postmodern subject for the initiation of the decolonial. Re-ligation is not a complexity, the decolonial from its unveiling and positioning deconstructs the modernist and postmodernist for a coexistence and re-linking that encourages another way of being; therefore, of thinking, doing and acting.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez, M. E. (2020). The religation of the modern and postmodern subject: towards the decolonial subject. Revista Stultifera, 3(1), 105–127.
Artículos de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Author Biography

Milagros Elena Rodríguez, PostDoc, Universidad de Oriente, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Postdoctora en Ciencias de la Educación (UNEFA Chuao) Ph.D, Doctora en Patrimonio cultural, Doctora en Innovaciones Educativas (UNEFA Chuao), Magister Scientiaurum en Matemáticas (UDO), Licenciada en Matemática (UDO). Trabaja como Docente Investigadora Titular de la UDO y Docente de los Postgrados en Educación, Administración y Biología de la UDO Sucre.