Scope and Interests

The modern cultural project is based on the reflexive self-questioning of its own conditions of sociohistorical intelligibility, and it generates such a split of languages and cultural practices that, in the course of modernity, autonomous forms of mediation have been instituted between the renovators of cultural lexicons and the different publics. Criticism is, then, a constitutive element of the processes of modernization, although its exercise is often neutralized by the institutionalization of an academic cultural criticism, incapable of understanding the sociohistorical demands that weigh on cultural languages; with this gesture, cultural criticism becomes an ideology complicit in the elitist split of academic culture. In this sense, academic criticism does not always manage to account for the disruptive forms of counterculture that cultural modernization itself generates, nor is it able to welcome the voices of popular cultures that are increasingly subject to homogenization and, eventually, cultural management.

From this point of view, Stultifera intends to assume the tasks of a critique committed to the elucidation of current affairs and, consequently, aims to gather all reflective voices discordant with the official culture, the single thought and the academic institution. Therefore, Stultifera welcomes contributions to philosophical, literary, educational, social or political criticism; transdisciplinary studies in education and social sciences, gender studies, as well as social, anthropological, psychosocial or historical studies related to counterculture or popular cultures. The journal's editorial line is thus characterized more in terms of epistemological and political interests than in terms of the disciplinary boundaries established in the academic institution.

Publication guidelines

Those who wish to submit their research to the journal must comply with the requirements of APA norms, seventh edition, indicate their institutional affiliation, e-mail and include an abstract and a summary (between 150 and 250 words), as well as three to five key words in English and Spanish. Papers should have a minimum of 15 pages (letter size) and a maximum of 30, Times New Roman font, single spaced, with margins of three centimeters. Reviews (between three and five pages) of texts not previously reviewed or of recent publications will also be accepted. There is no cost to authors associated with the editorial process, nor is there any charge for publication.

Texts submitted for evaluation must not have been previously published or be subject to evaluation by another journal.

Refereeing process

The articles received will be submitted for double-blind evaluation by external experts. To avoid conflicts of interest, the evaluation of articles will always be carried out by peers who do not belong to the institution with which the author is affiliated or who are co-researchers or co-authors of other works published by the submitter. Only unpublished and original research or reflection articles that comply with the APA style standards, in its seventh edition, by which the journal is governed, will be submitted to arbitration. The evaluation of the articles considers the following aspects: pertinence with the editorial line of the journal and disciplinary relevance; originality of the content; relation of the title with the content; overview of the state of the question; coherence between the objectives, methodology and results; adequately detailed methodology; relevant conclusions in accordance with the research purpose; critical contribution; currency of the bibliographic sources; clarity and coherence in the organization and writing of the text; finally, the presence of a summary detailing the purpose, method, sample and main results and conclusions. The final decision to accept, request modifications or reject each article will be made by the Editorial Board based on the evaluations obtained from the two external referees. In case of discrepancy between the two external evaluators, a third evaluation will be requested to establish the final decision. The Editor of the journal will communicate the result of the evaluation process to the authors, and the articles will be published in the next issue of the journal, unless it is an issue with special editors.

Editorial ethics

The journal is committed to scrupulously respect the ethical norms related to academic publication: impartiality in the evaluation, precaution against possible conflicts of interest, confidentiality in the handling of information of authors and evaluators, acknowledgement of authorship, as well as prevention of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Since Revista Stultifera only receives original and unpublished articles, any work that presents plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be immediately discarded as a serious breach of the ethics of academic publication; in case the author recycles textual content from previous publications, it is required that at least 60% of the content of the work be original and unpublished. To detect plagiarism, the proposals will be analyzed using the iThenticate plagiarism detection software, before sending the texts to arbitration. Revista Stultifera's frame of reference for ensuring publication ethics are the "Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Scholarly Publishing" of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

In terms of editorial responsibility, Revista Stultifera is committed to constantly review and improve its editing processes and to ensure the quality of the published contents; likewise, we advocate freedom of expression without commercial conditioning, and we will guarantee timely retraction, correction or apology, when necessary. With respect to readers, we commit ourselves to make transparent the sources of financing of published articles and to ensure quality criteria in the selection of content. Regarding authors, Revista Stultifera will seek an impartial and specialized evaluation, based on informed criteria and the guidelines of the publication; we will also guide authors in the editorial process, keep them informed and request their consent in the different phases of the editorial process; finally, we will promote the proper recognition of authorship and intellectual rights. As for the reviewers, we will guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation and will seek possible conflicts of interest; in this sense, the evaluation guideline requires signing a commitment to the principles of editorial ethics. As members of the Research Journal Network of the Universidad Austral de Chile, Revista Stultifera subscribes to the institutional policies for journals of this university and, in case of non-compliance with the declared ethical principles, it must report its editorial practices not only to the academic unit responsible for the publication, but also to the Research Journal Network and to the Vice Rector's Office for Research, Development and Artistic Creation of the university.

Open access and copyright statement

All the contents of the journal are available on the journal's website and are freely accessible online, free of charge, as stipulated by the Budapest Open Access Initiative. Accordingly, it is possible to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of the journal's contents, and readers are permitted to use them for any other lawful purpose. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, which applies to all articles and reviews appearing in it. The license (CC BY-NC 4.0) allows sharing and adapting the contents of the journal, provided that credit is given appropriately, and the material is not used for commercial purposes. Transfer of copyright is not required in accordance with open access policies (OJS).


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