The evolution of educational policies towards the Quality Management Model in Chile: A bibliography review based on their interrelation

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Cristian Villarroel-Albornoz


The former study is about the evolution of the quality management models and the problems of implantation due to the different problems within the management teams, hindering quality improvement from a strategic planning. The objective is to analyse the educational policies linked to the quality management model that improve the managerial leadership that will contribute to improve the education in Chile; this by bibliography review that will check the different models of quality management models and the political policies in education implement in Chile during the 90's

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How to Cite
Villarroel-Albornoz, C. (2024). The evolution of educational policies towards the Quality Management Model in Chile: A bibliography review based on their interrelation. Estudios Pedagógicos, 50(1), 153–171.