Methodological Proposal to Evaluate the Implementation of Social Programs: Plan de Choque Empleo Joven 2019-2021. An Approach to its Evaluation Process
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This work tries to develop a methodological proposal to evaluate the implementation of social programs, to do so, it applies the evaluation methodology used by Trinidad and Pérez (1998), Trinidad (2010) and Trinidad (2020) to analyze the design of the Plan of Youth Employment Shock 2019 - 2021, because it allows to know its structure, advantages, relevance and possible improvements that should be considered. This study uses the qualitative research method, with the techniques and information collection, carrying out a documentary review of the Youth Employment Plan, and the theoretical-methodological approach of the aforementioned experts in matters of evaluation. With this study, it was detected weaknesses in the methodology by not considering a pandemic scenario such as Covid19 and its effects at the European level, given that Spain as a member of the European Union would have to apply new policies in this matter, which is why it is essential consider new criteria in the evaluation methodological proposal.
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