Public Policies for Migrants and Refugees in Cities of the Americas
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In the region, migration and forced displacement have reached unprecedented levels, affecting all countries as places of origin, transit, destination or return. The magnitude of displacement, protection challenges, security challenges and internal pressures at the national and subnational levels have forced countries to coordinate and respond in innovative ways. Cities and municipalities have taken on additional responsibilities, highlighting the need for innovative practices to manage these migration dynamics. Based on this more predominant local role, recommendations are proposed so that cities can deepen their solutions from the territory and capitalize on the positive impact of the social and economic inclusion of migrants and refugees. To this end, this study reviews the regional panorama, the challenges of integration in cities and municipalities, and highlights innovative practices and lessons learned in the management of migration and forced displacement in the Americas. This research is based on information gathered from 109 interviews conducted in 25 cities in the Americas, used to prepare a study on the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in cities, a study of which the authors were part, as well as information from secondary sources. In addition, first-hand observations from the deliberations of the OAS Committee on Migration Issues, in which the authors provide technical support, have been considered.
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