Characterization of the academic expert community in the Chilean constituent process

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Claudio Fuentes S.


This article characterizes the academic expert community that has participated within the constituent process in Chile. Based on a systematization of publications, public events, epistemic networks, and public appointments associated with the constituent process, this article establishes a typology of participation that considers two dimensions: closeness/ distance with political parties, and the direct/ indirect participation in decision-making. The predominance of the discipline of law in this debate stands out; the links between certain training schools and ideological positions and the predominance of a public intellectuality associated with the parties thar continues to characterize the Chile expert landscape.

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How to Cite
Fuentes S., C. (2024). Characterization of the academic expert community in the Chilean constituent process. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (46), 183–203.