Between continuities and break ups, it is better continuity. The immigration policies since the beginning of the XXth century

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Carmen Norambuena
Bernardo Navarrete
Rodrigo Matamoros


The path dependence model makes possible the formulation of questions about continuities and or changes in the Chilean migration rules from the XXth century until the present. Through case studies and the follow-up of processes it is possible to follow up the study of the legislation about migration both from a ideographic-historical and nomothetic-politological perspectives.  The progress in policy making in political terms has had a varied trajectory, mostly determined by particular junctures which never turned to be critical ones.   On that score, the latest legislation proposed in 2013 and 2017 did not achieve much in terms of changing the status quo. This is a reality that is part of a constant pattern that could be seen as from 1905 with the passing of the Regulations on Free Immigration.

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How to Cite
Norambuena, C., Navarrete, B., & Matamoros, R. (2018). Between continuities and break ups, it is better continuity. The immigration policies since the beginning of the XXth century. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (34), 217–237.