Dialogue of deafs (and serious). Chilean cultural politics before the military dictatorship

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Felipe Delgado V


The following article deals with the political and social environment during the 60's and 70's, revealing the protocols of a serious world, a mechanism of social truth and a weapon of political subversion in order to have access to power. The rhetoric of seriousness, as a contrast with "evanescent behaviours" coming from the happy and festive world, announces a political ethos of the militant and doctrinal discipline, useful in the pretensions of imposing a global nation project. This piece of work, will try to prove that the aesthetic of seriousness does not exclude a determined political group in particular, therefore its rhetoric goes through the Chilean political spectrum in the middle of the XX century.

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How to Cite
Delgado V, F. (2017). Dialogue of deafs (and serious). Chilean cultural politics before the military dictatorship. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (16), 57–72. https://doi.org/10.4206/rev.austral.cienc.soc.2009.n16-04