Published: 2022-06-01

Verticalization and socio-spatial configuration of Santiago

Arturo Orellana, Mg. Dr., Magdalena Vicuña, Mg. Dra., Felipe Link, Mg. Dr., Adonay Perrozzi, Mg., Catalina Marshall, Mg. Dra., Ricardo Truffello, Mg. Dr., Andrés Señoret


Transformation of the Saharan inhabited space in Algeria: The Case of Ksar of Bechar

Mekherbeche Yousra, Dr.(c), Hamouine Abdelmadjid, Dib Bellkacem


Educational architecture in the works of Fernando Garrido: Between the senses and reason

Ricardo Carcelén González, José M. López Martínez, Edith Aroca Vicente, Fernando M. García Martín


University model and teaching practices: An introspective glance to eight Chilean architecture schools

Macarena Barrientos Díaz, Mg. Dra., Claudio Araneda Gutiérrez, Dr., Roberto Goycoolea Prado, Dr.
