The unfolding of society and climate change

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Hernán Burbano-Orjuela


Humans and nature have such a tight relation that due to its very intimate character, sometimes escapes to our sight. The rise of civilizations depended upon natural resources and services, and this dependence will continue in the future, as humans harness and shape nature itself. The systematic description and progressive understanding of the natural world have allowed the ascent and development of the human condition as part of the natural world, which is at the same time source of different natural resources, and subject of study and inspiration of both natural sciences and humanities. Thus, the natural world is the stage where human beings develop their personalities and reach their dreams.
In spite of the original continuum between humans and nature ...

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How to Cite
Burbano-Orjuela, H. (2017). The unfolding of society and climate change. Agro Sur, 45(1), 1–2.