Biotechnoloyy abd plant genetic resources

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Hugo Campos Q.
Ivette Seguel B.


Although most Chilean genetic resources are considered endemic species and unique on a world-wide basis, important fact to develop new valuable agronomic alternatives, there are cases reflecting their effective use by countries other than Chile. The latest biotechnological developments concerning management of plant genetic resources are discussed in this paper. Application of molecular marker technologies, in vitro approaches to germplasm conservation and development of core collections may lead to a more efficient and focused management of genetic resources. The increasing difficulty to obtain germplasm necessary for breeding activities sustains the active integration of biotechnological approaches into the management of genetic resources. This may lead to a more rational exploitation of Chilean genetic resources not only from an agricultural but also from an industrial, chemical and pharmaceutical perspectives.

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How to Cite
Campos Q., H., & Seguel B., I. (2000). Biotechnoloyy abd plant genetic resources. Agro Sur, 28(1), 13–24.

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