Expense strategy in mixed dairy systems of the 10th región of Chile

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Germán Holmherg R.
Rodrigo de la Barra A.


The present work provides elements that try to explain the economic behavioral in mixed dairy systems, from the perspective of the evaluation of results and expense behavior.
The central objetive of both cases studied is the bovine subsystem, situation corroborated by the destination of disbursement in cash that would indícate the importance of each ítem within production strategy. Comparison of the studied cases reveals that even though both correspond to homogeneous types however differences in his economic behavior are appreciated mainly in the expenses and payments structure
For one of the cases studied, this situation is product of a production strategy guided strongly in minimizing cash expense taking a maximun advantage on the feedback capacity of the system. This strategy is guided to the decrease of cash spend as a form of minimizing liquidity problems generated in the money ílow of the system.
A different transformation efficiency of global production toward monetary profit is observed, which is a different result to what normally seen in the literature. The latter in the sense that tlie central objective of peasant productive systems would be maximized global product and not monetary profit, Since it is possible that difficulty of the peasant system to transform global production into monetary profit will be a consequence of the internal dynamics of its productive strategy more than an objective explicitly pursued by the familiar group.

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How to Cite
Holmherg R., G., & de la Barra A., R. (1999). Expense strategy in mixed dairy systems of the 10th región of Chile. Agro Sur, 27(1), 85–93. https://doi.org/10.4206/agrosur.1999.v27n1-09