Mathematical models to describe growth of double sigmoid pattern in nectarin fruits. (c.v. Sun Grand)

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A. Alvarez
S. Boche


The fruits growth process are usually well represented by sigmoid patterns. These curves are characterized by a upper asymptote that limits the final sizes, and at least a point of inflection occurs in the máximum variation rate. In stone and in some berries, the growth presents more than one point of inflection showing two phases that occasionally are represented separately for sigmoid pattems. This point of view is not very convenient when inferences and interpretations of results are made. This study propose, analyze and compare three double sigmoid pattems obtained as generalizations of simple models and used to fitted the seasonal growth of nectarines in Neuquen (Argentina). To choose the most appropiate function, the residual sums of square for error and the accuracy in estimating the upper asympote were utilized. The generalized logistic model were considered the most useful functions to fit growth curves of the fruits.

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How to Cite
Alvarez, A., & Boche, S. (1999). Mathematical models to describe growth of double sigmoid pattern in nectarin fruits. (c.v. Sun Grand). Agro Sur, 27(1), 21–28.