Variation of nutritive value of main feedstufs for pig rations

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Manuel I. Mata E.
Hugo Bernal B.
Rigoberto González G.
Emilio Olivares S.


Chemical composition and energy value were determined for samples of sorghum and soybean meal (n=19), the major ingrediente in pig diets. The values obtained were in according with those reported in the literature. However, a considerable variation of the chemical composition of analyzed samples was found. Main variations of sorghum were in the content of ashes, neutral detergent fiber (FDN) and crude fat (CV= 39.8%, 24.8% and 21.3%, respectively). Samples of soybean meal showed important variation in the content of crude fat>(CV= 98.9%) and FDN (CV= 45.2%). Results indicated the convenience of systematic analysis of chemical composition of feedstuffs used in pigs rations, in order to know their actual nutritive value.

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How to Cite
Mata E., M. I., Bernal B., H., González G., R., & Olivares S., E. (1997). Variation of nutritive value of main feedstufs for pig rations. Agro Sur, 25(2), 213–218.